Charitable Project
Freedom Space

We are shelters in educational institutions to become safe and multifunctional spaces for the learning, development, and leisure of children.


With the onset of the war in Ukraine, the lives of adults and children became directly dependent on the availability of safe shelters throughout the country.

Most people had to wait for hours in cold, damp, and neglected basements.

As Ukrainians actively returned to work and children went back to school and kindergartens, there arose a need to find new approaches to organizing safe spaces in educational institutions.

The Freedom Space project has set itself an ambitious goal - to arrange as many shelters for children as possible throughout Ukraine.

These shelters are intended not only to serve the protective function but also to ensure uninterrupted learning processes or provide recreational opportunities.

To facilitate effective and comfortable time spent, there are plans for educational and play zones.

In addition to the above, such places can be used in peacetime for hosting children's parties, birthdays, and other entertaining events.

The Freedom Space successfully launched with the support of the Charity Foun of People's Deputy Andriy Bohdanets "HELP TOGETHER" and the financial backing of the international partner Freedom Holding Corp.

What we have already managed to do

Shelters equipped in the region: 2

In Mykolaiv, with the support of philanthropists, shelters have been established in two more schools.

Two educational institutions in Mykolaiv now have equipped shelters.

The basement premises of schools located in the Ingulsky district have been transformed into a safe and convenient space for children and teachers.

Importantly, residents of adjacent buildings can also use the shelters.

Shelters equipped in the region: 2

Modern school shelter at the expense of benefactors

Two shelters were arranged in Khmelnitsky owing to the financial support of the international partner Freedom Holding Corp project

Shelters equipped in the region: 8

Repaired shelters in educational institutions of Ternopil: where they were renovated

In Ternopil, the updated shelters in several educational institutions were inspected as part of the charitable project "Freedom Space." In particular, one of the shelters at the Western Ukrainian National University was renovated.

During the renovation, the wishes of the students and the leadership of the educational institution were also taken into account. For example, the walls were painted white to allow them to be painted later.

Shelters equipped in the region: 6

The launch of the shelters is always an exciting moment. The children are really happy that they have the opportunity to return to full-fledged offline learning and communication with their friends.

A total of six shelters were repaired in the capital as part of the Freedom Space project.

We thank the benefactor Freedom Holding Corp for the opportunity to make the education of Ukrainian children more comfortable.

Progress in arranging shelters in Kyiv educational institutions within the Freedom Space project

The work is in full swing! Watch in the report how the arrangement of shelters in Kyiv educational institutions is progressing within the Freedom Space project.

Thanks to the Charity Foun Andriy Bohdanets "HELP TOGETHER" and international partners Freedom Holding Corp., we continue working!

About the renovated shelters in Kyiv schools: Andriy Bogdanets speaks to Novini. LIVE

The founder of Freedom Space, Andriy Bogdanets, along with journalists, visited the shelters of our project to check the conditions in which children study during air raids.

School shelters of the Freedom Space project in Kyiv, which were arranged with the funds of international partners

The founder of Freedom Space, Andriy Bogdanets, together with journalists, visited the shelters of our project to check the conditions in which children study during air raids.

Three Kyiv schools and kindergartens have new shelters at their disposal!

Repairs and arrangements were carried out in a short time as part of our Freedom Space project.

We are very grateful to our international partner, Freedom Holding Corp., whose financial support made it possible to implement this important initiative!

Shelters equipped in the region: 2

Shelters are equipped in lyceums in Zhytomyr

New shelters have been equipped in two Zhytomyr lyceums as part of the charitable project "Freedom Space

School Shelters in Zhytomyr

In Zhytomyr, journalists had the opportunity to see several school shelters after repairs, which were arranged by foreign donors. Karina Tsymbalyuk conducted the inspection and will further describe what she saw.

Reconstructed Shelters Showcased in Zhytomyr Lyceums

In Zhytomyr, several educational institutions still lack their own shelters, but their number is rapidly decreasing. Today, inspections of the reconstructed shelters were carried out in two lyceums of our city, funded by the international donor Freedom Holding Corp. How the shelters look now and whether children like them – watch in the story.

Shelters equipped in the region: 2

Shelters were repaired in two schools in Zaporizhzhia as part of our project

We have already discussed shelters in two schools in Zaporizhzhia, which were renovated as part of our project. We share a video digest of the opening.

Shelters equipped in the region: 3

* This is what the shelter looked like before the start of repair works, and very soon we will share pictures of the renovated and equipped space with you. It will serve all participants in the educational process not only as a shelter during air alerts but also as a great place for educational events and leisure activities.

How safe are the updated shelters

The Freedom Space project is designed to provide children with a feeling of safety and comfort even during air alerts.

Being in the shelter ensures continuous learning processes and provides positive emotions that help protect children's mental well-being from stress.

The shelter improvement is carried out in collaboration with the State Emergency Service (SES) personnel.

Installing a quality ventilation system, electrical work, creating full-fledged sanitary facilities, and ensuring water supply are just a few of the things we are doing.

Freedom Space Code of Honor

Freedom Space
Code of Honor

Freedom Space prioritizes the peace and safety of little Ukrainians in its activities.

That's why we personally scrutinize contractors, control every payment, cancel dubious expenses, and purchase quality children's rugs, soft toys, projectors, and beanbag chairs.

The shelters we renovate will become islands of comfort and safety, where one can hide from the horrors of war.

We do everything in our power to protect and preserve the childhood of our little ones.

Would you like to support the Freedom Space project?

Little Ukrainians will be grateful to you for your care.

Join the initiative